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Menopause Workshop
Wednesday October 9th

menopause word written on wood block. menopause text on table, concept.jpg

"At her first period a girl meets her wisdom, through her menstruating years she practices her wisdom, and at menopause she becomes her wisdom". Native American saying

Come along and join me and Louise Halam for this experiential workshop learning how you can best  support  yourself at this time of transition with yoga, somatic movement practices, breathwork and essential oils along with a beautiful plant based lunch 


Our day will look something like this:

9.30-45 arrival, hot drink and energy snack

10am-12 Sarah will briefly explain how menopause affects us mentally, physically and emotionally before moving into practices which will help to

Aid sleep;

Optimise bone health

Manage anxiety & support or energy as well as regulating our hormonal system around this transitional time.

I will lead a short yoga and qigong practice which will be followed by lunch and an afternoon session and sharing circle with Sarah exploring how essential oils can help wth the various symptoms of menopause.

2.30 finish


See Louise's website here


To book please email Louise on


Click here to read my blogpost about how yoga can support us at this time of change

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