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Energy release and reset sessions

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These sessions are about releasing anything from the previous month that has left a residue -  the frustrations, disappointments, dramas,  old patterns and any heavy energies that need witnessing and releasing. The body is a representation of our unconscious mind and  stores everything that has happened to us. We  stuff things down into it that we find uncomfortable and this works for a period  but eventually we start to experience discomfort at a physical level from aches and pains to anxiety, sleep issues etc as the body talks louder and louder to us until we listen.


Our energy release and reset sessions are practices designed to help us connect to our bodies, release stored tension, and enhance our sense  well-being. This holistic approach combines elements of movement, mindfulness, meditation and breathwork to facilitate the release of physical and emotional energy blockages.


These sessions are part of our healing - healing  doesn’t  mean get well it means become whole. Integrating all those parts of us we try to push away and ignore. There’s no end point to healing - it’s an ongoing  and lifelong process. 


We can’t heal with our mind. When we are going through difficulty we can’t positively think it away and no amount of positive affirmations will change a thing until we feel it in our bodies and move it through.


Beginning with a cacao ceremony these  sessions offer a monthly energetic attunenent to witness and release what we need to move through us. We’re not analysing, ruminating, revisiting or reliving just releasing through breath practices and somatic bodywork after which we will come together in circle to set commitments  for the month ahead. 


These sessions will vary and evolve as we do but expect weird, wonderful, kooky and the sometimes uncomfortable as we move into something new.


Please note that these sessions are women only.


A typical session will involve a cacao ceremony, 60 minute somatic movement practice, a guided journey opening up the possibility of new insights along with a sharing circle where some of us may commit to taking actions in the month ahead as there’s a potency in setting intentions and voicing them  out loud. 


 ”We drank cacao, danced, screamed and generally let it out and let it in. Our energy was equal to storm Darragh. Loved it“ Ali


Please note you will ideally need to bring a yoga mat for this session 

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