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Autumn Equinox Sister ceremony

Yoga, sound healing, movement medicine, meditation and cacao to celebrate Mabon

Starts 22 Sept
40 British pounds
St James Road Methodist Church, St James Road, Shirley SO15 5HE

Available spots

This class...

Combining two yoga practices with sound healing, movement medicine, journalling, sharing circle, guided meditations and cacao come and celebrate the autumn equinox (Mabon) in sisterhood and ceremony. In the northern hemisphere Mabon falls between 20 to 23rd of September each year when there is a balance of day and night. This balance happens twice a year and was recognised as a sacred time for many cultures throughout history. The day after the equinox sees daylight hours diminish so our ancestors stored seeds were stored and preserved food and they would celebrate the abundance of the earth and its resources. So this beautiful transition into Autumn is a time of gratitude and giving thanks. If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you it will be enough”. Meister Eckhart. Please note the venue for this is St James Road Methodist Church, St James Road, Shirley SO15 5HE

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Cancellation Policy

You can cancel a class and have a credit to your account anytime within 12 hours of the start of class. All courses are non refundable Reiki Healing sessions can be cancelled 24 hours before. Retreats have a separate terms and conditions which will be sent to you upon booking.

Contact Details


36 Darwin Road Southampton SO15 5BX 36 Darwin Road, Southampton SO15 5BX, UK

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